


Your satisfaction is our top priority.  However, if you do need to make a return you are most welcome to return your order within 14 days of receipt. As we care about everyone’s health and hygiene, the product(s) must be unused in sealed packaging and same resalable condition that you received it. The cost of returning the order will have to be covered by you as customer. 

How to make a return: 

  • Contact us at hello@no36cosmetics, with your order number and reason for return
  • You will receive return instructions
  • Then ship the order back to us and keep a receipt of postage
  • Your return will be handled within 3-5 working days, once received
  • We process your refund back to the card or account used to pay the order

If you are not being completely satisfied and you wish to make a return please feel free contact us with your 100% money back query.